MeasureON! is an innovative harness, used to monitor your dog’s temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate. This device can be used while your dog is at the vet for an emergency hospitalization or as they recover from surgery. Additionally, MeasureON! can be used for at-home monitoring of recently released patients, or those with chronic health conditions.

However, for MeasureON! to accurately record your dog’s vitals, the harness must be properly sized and fit for your dog. MeasureON! will be available for purchase soon in 4 sizes, with an extra large size available in our second production round of harnesses. These sizes are based on your dog’s chest circumference.

Harness SizeChest Circumference
Extra Small17-22 Inches
Small22-27 Inches
Medium27-32 Inches
Large32-37 Inches
Coming Soon: Extra Large37-42 Inches

To properly measure your dog’s chest circumference, place a flexible tape measure around their barrel, as shown in the pictures below. Depending on the size of the dog, the tape measure should be placed 1-2 inches behind their front legs and axillary region, ensuring that you are measuring a wider section of their chest, where the harness will be placed.

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