Last month VetMeasure soft launched the MeasureON! canine health monitoring harness at Wellington Veterinary Hospital (WVH). Since then VetMeasure and Sapien staff have been working with WVH to introduce MeasureON! into the everyday workflow of the hospital, including monitoring patients before, during, and after surgical procedures.
The soft launch was just the beginning for VetMeasure. VetMeasure team members from Sapien have been on-site at WVH to assist with potential trouble-shooting, to answer questions from WVH staff, and to identify the most appropriate patients and procedures to utilize MeasureON!. Having a representative from the VetMeasure team present during this crucial phase has allowed us to see first-hand the value MeasureON! adds to veterinary practices, as well as to understand the needs for additional or improved features we may provide.

WVH will continue to utilize the MeasureON! as an additional resource to offer their patients more individualized care and to provide the VetMeasure team with constructive feedback for our approach into our full commercial launch phase. Check back soon for our next soft-launch update to learn what upcoming steps will be taken for the MeasureON!